Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cameras, Lighting, and Backgrounds Continued

Today I finished setting up my soft box and hung the background. The soft box is installed with eye hooks in the top of the box and eye hooks in the ceiling connected with a loop of rope. This enables me to adjust the soft box easily and it position is held in place by the box's own weight and friction. The soft box has two baffles to disperse the light evenly, both baffles are installed with velcro so that they can be easily removed for light bulb replacement. Believe it or not, the baffles are pieces of a white vinyl shower curtain from Target. They work great! (The soft box is a little crooked which does not really matter, but something I intend to fix!)

Once I got everything set up, I did a quick test shot with my wife's "point and shoot" Canon SD400 Elph. The result is a low resolution, non white balanced photo, which turned out really nice! The piece in the photo is a wonderful tea pot I own, made by a great New Zealand potter, Chris Weaver.

A big thanks to Michigan potter, John Glick, for providing such great advise and helpfullness on how to build this soft box.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

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